Strength: The Strength required to use the weapon without penalty. Skill: The weapon skill and skill level required to use the weapon without penalty. Value: Sale value of the weapon in bottlecaps. Weight: Weight value of the weapon that applies to encumbrance.
Weapons that require a reload every shot have damage per second shown including reload times, all others show sustained rates without reloads.Īmmo: The type of ammunition the weapon uses. This stat is most useful for comparing semi-automatic weapons like rifles, where one can see the full damage caused by a single shot, regardless of how long it takes to load and fire the next one.ĭPS: Damage per second the maximum cyclic damage dealt in one second, expressed as rate of fire times damage. For most small guns, that is a single bullet, but for shotguns, it is a single shell (containing several small pellets), and for heavy weapons such as the ALPHA turbo laser it is a single beam. and shows the damage caused by a single click of the mouse/trigger. Damage: This information comes straight from the G.E.C.K.