Successful critical hits that reduce an enemy to 0 HP or below will reduce the enemy to a pile of blue ash, but all armor, weapons, and equipment on the body remain undamaged. The holorifle comes with a x2.86 rifle scope pre-attached by default. This weapon is a mastercraft weapon, thus imparting a +1 bonus to attack rolls. The weapon is most unique in that its projectile is not bullet, plasma, laser, flame, EMP or electrical charge, but a concentrated projectile of photons similar to laser weaponry but differing in that it is not projected in a beam-like fashion, but a burst of glowing blue cubes. However, it sports a 2.86x scope with built-in night vision capability. The holorifle itself is one of the only energy weapons to be pump-action, a holdover from its makeshift engineering, and can only store a small amount of charge. The Courier brought the gun and parts needed to construct it back to the Mojave where it was replicated in short supply and sold to only the wealthiest people in the Wasteland.
The holorifle was originally constructed by Father Elijah, a former Brotherhood of Steel Elder, fashioned using technology from Big Mountain and the Sierra Madre.